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    Silent Moment

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Hello, thank you for visiting.

natural twine weaving hydrangea and green leaves, silver thread weaving small flowers on the flower ball, flowers stitch pearls, so that pure linen hydrangea add noble and unique temperament and fun.

Select Japanese brand advanced knitting linen ─ ─ Belgian hemp and French hemp weave, feel soft and smooth, not stinging meat, durable, cool, and the natural luster of the plant itself, so that the hydrangea has elegant and meticulous feeling The

natural twine stained with rain, sweat, moisture, and soon dry, and cool and easy to mold. Twine is also very light, do brooches, so wear no burden.

Choose Swarovski with silver thread and weave simple and lovely pearls.

flowers are woven with very young and very young silver threads. The roughness is similar to that of the general sewing thread. The single thread is woven and the flowers are more delicate.

To protect slender flowers, Aki will be packed in cardboard. Box brand card and cover cover of the hydrangea illustration, is Aki personally drawn.

twine, silver, crystal, brooches buckle

6cm X 4.5cm

hydrangea ── red
flowers ── silver
pearl milk white ──

Cleaning and maintenance:
* Twine weave work, please keep your hands clean.
* Please try to hand wash, placed in mild soapy water, with your fingers gently, to avoid pulling, squeezing, twisting. (Only part of the ball)
* After washing, with a towel printed dry, finishing appearance after drying. (Only part of the ball)
* Please be careful to care for the butterfly, although the suture was quite solid, but the gold and silver line is very young, please avoid the big hit Butterfly
* The best maintenance, is to avoid being metal hook, blade and other weapon damage.
* If necessary, before use or after washing, can be sprayed with clothing protective agent (eg fabric & upholstery protector) for

* The position of the butterfly is arranged as a weed petal shape. Please trust Aki. I will use my aesthetic point of view for your
to put the butterfly on the best place.
* The work of the hand weaving can not be done like a machine to mold exactly the same thing, leaves, petals, butterflies,
or slight differences, please consider the degree of acceptance.